Parker Lapaine on her theatre debut with Finn Cole

Parker Lapaine

The actor talks about her stage debut at the Orange Tree Theatre with Finn Cole, filming for House of the Dragon and what’s next…

Photo credit: Johan Persson

There’s something rather unusual about Orange Tree Theatre’s new play Red Speedo. The stage has been transformed into an Olympic swimming Pool, and Kingston actor Finn Cole wears throughout a pair of red trunks.

It is the work of much-lauded writer Lucas Hnath, and is directed by Matthew Dunster, whose critically acclaimed productions include Shirley Valentine (Duke of York Theatre), and 2:22 A Ghost Story (West End and UK Tour).

The tale revolves around the issue of drug doping in professional sport. Finn plays Ray, a top swimmer who is about to receive a huge sponsorship deal. But everything changes when performance-enhancing drugs are discovered in the club’s refrigerator.

It is the stage debut of both Parker and Kingston actor Finn, who is best known for his role in BBC drama Peaky Blinders. When I speak to Parker, they have just had their first preview night.

She says: “I play Lydia, his ex girlfriend, who comes in at this difficult moment, and I think people can relate to this idea of an ex who reappears. It’s an exciting piece of writing. It is quick and sharp, and will have you watching on the edge your seats…” On her first experience of working on stage, she says: “It has been really intense but incredible and Matthew is so good at making us comfortable. The rehearsals were a dream and Matthew let us bring what we wanted to the roles.”

Parker was attracted by both the script and the Orange Tree. “I knew of its reputation within the theatre world and how much it is respected. And it particularly works for this play as it is so intimate. You are in Ray’s world.”

The daughter of Cold Feet star Fay Ripley, who was born in Wimbledon, and Australian actor Daniel Lapaine, Parker only entered the industry at 18, with her parents not allowing her to go into acting as a child.

“Back then, I was upset that they wouldn’t let me audition. But I get it now as it is a difficult industry. I’m grateful that I had to wait. I think also if I had come into the industry as a kid with actor parents I may have felt slightly helped, whereas I wanted to separate myself and find my own way, and my own agent.”

It was during the pandemic that she created a short film with a friend and sent it to an agent. She was snapped up and plans to go to drama school have been put on hold for now.

“I may decide in a year or so to go back and train but for now, things are working. I think the industry is changing – for some people, training is for them, others it isn’t.”

“I’d always wanted to do theatre and I had this idea that if you hadn’t trained, you wouldn’t be able to do that. But with Red Speedo, the casting director decided I was right for the role and I’m so grateful she let me have a go.”

Prior to this, Parker had a role in The House of the Dragon, her first job. “The scale of that side of the industry is insane. The sets, the grandeur of it all. I came back from the first day of shooting and my parents were saying don’t get used to that level as it is rare! It really set me up and helped in terms of confidence though. I feel like now I could walk on to any set and know what I’m doing.”

“It was also incredible to see Emma D’Arcy on set. Emma’s attitude is incredible”

But Parker’s big passion is for the stage and she particularly loves the exhilaration she gets 15 minutes before it starts. Although she did get some initial nerves. “I texted my dad for advice and he had some great tips on calming down such as how to breathe and noticing what is around you.”

Generally though, she says her parents don’t want to give much input. “They came to see Red Speedo and loved it. I asked if they had any notes for me and they said no.”

Growing up, did Parker get involved in what her parents did for their careers? “I did go up to Manchester to the set of Cold Feet. It was a joyous set as they were all mates and known each other for so long. With my dad, as he does a lot of theatre, he was a big inspiration for that. When he did a show I was always intrigued.”

Parker has some more projects lined up, although can’t reveal anything as yet, but she would love to do more theatre. “I want to discover different avenues. I love plays in general and when you get a good script… I loved this script. It is phenomenal. I would like to do some Shakespeare but I would need a few more years under my belt.”

When she’s not working, she says she enjoys spending time with her friends and boyfriend – ideally in a wine bar with a good glass of vino and some cheese. “That is my idea of heaven.”

But when she is working, an early night is on the cards. “I’ve gone into work after not having an early night and it is not fun.”

Despite her showbiz background, this rising star has her feet firmly on the ground.

Theatre images: Credit: Johan Persson