What’s important about money to you?

What’s important about money to you?

In this day and age, it is hard to avoid the lure of sparkly new things! Social media, magazines, TV programs all work hard to help us spend money! But do we spend as much time thinking about our financial future and what we need to own in that as we do filling our houses with new items?

Planning or saving for retirement does not provide the instant gratification or high of a new gadget, but it should not be forgotten. If you create a personal, robust financial plan you could even be pleasantly surprised at the options available to you. Passions such as travel, helping family or volunteering could become the new sparkly things.

In order to be disciplined to achieve clarity around your financial standing, we, as financial planners would recommend the following steps:

  • Work Out Your Goals: Identify what you want to achieve financially in the short, medium, and long term. Discuss this with your loved ones.
  • Consider Your Spending: Work out your key expenses, what’s most important?
  • Save and Invest Regularly: Build an emergency “rainy day” fund, contribute into your pension and pay attention to saving opportunities.
  • Pay Off Debt: Discuss with a financial adviser whether you should pay off a mortgage for example.
  • Research Taking Professional Advice: Working with a qualified financial adviser can help you work through the muddle and confusion to create a clear pathway and plan.

What are the benefits of Financial Planning?

Once your finances are in order, experience tells us that people feel lighter, freer and have more confidence and time to enjoy their lives.

So the next steps are to work out, what’s important about money and lifestyle to you?

If you want to know more about how our financial planning process can help you, or perhaps want a second opinion on your own planning or investment strategy please get in touch:

020 8943 9229 | |

This article is for information purposes and should not be treated as advice. Individual circumstances should always be considered prior to purchasing any fi nancial products. For further information please contact your Financial Planner.